Spring is love #edBlogaDay

I grew up in Florida. People will often joke that Florida doesn’t have seasons. Of course Florida has seasons; they just aren’t traditional: hurricane season, tourist season, strawberry season, and citrus season are just a few. Growing up in Florida, I always wondered what the big deal is about spring. When I moved to Georgia… Continue reading Spring is love #edBlogaDay

Celebrating #AprilBlogADay Success! Looking forward to #edBlogaDay

When I stumbled on the #AprilBlogADay challenge 30 days ago, I thought it sounded like an awesome idea. I knew I needed motivation to become more consistently. I decided to sign up and hope I could keep with it. The first few days were the first couple of days were in the run up to… Continue reading Celebrating #AprilBlogADay Success! Looking forward to #edBlogaDay