Getting inspired at home: Creating a space themed office


One of my big projects during spring break was to get my home “office” in order. I have a  confession: I have major clutter issues. It’s pretty bad; I let myself get busy, overwhelmed, and I stop caring about how things look.

Well, I decided it was time to do something about it – and hopefully for good. My office needed a major overhaul, some decorations, and some curtains. I also decided that since I hadn’t used the “ancient”  desktop computer in ages (it hasn’t even been turned on in months), it would be safe to remove it from the area.

The main things I want to do in my office is create lesson plans and also do my arts and crafts projects. I have two sets of plastic storage drawers. One is filled with my art/scrapbook supplies, and the other one is full of yarn for my crochet projects. I also have a chest with sewing items.

So I started my tidying, then reorganizing and changing around furniture, and finally I did some decorating.

I finally feel like this is a space that I can work in and be productive in. It’s also a place I want to spend time now. I am really happy with the results, and since it’s been over two months since spring beak, I am doing well with keeping it organized.


How do you keep inspired when you are at home? Do you have a special work area? I must say, I love my new spacey work area. What do you think?

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.


  1. What do I think??? I’m jealous! It looks so good.

    I do have a study-cum-craft-area but it doesn’t look very neat and organised. BUT, i love it anyway – no photos from me.

    I hope this room inspires you to sustain the good work that you do!!


  2. Wow, I love your space-themed home office! It looks so creative and inspiring. I especially like the way you’ve incorporated [mention something specific you liked from the blog post]. It’s amazing how you’ve transformed your office into a place that you enjoy spending time in. I’m also considering creating a more inspiring workspace at home. Have you ever thought about using loft boarding to create additional space or storage in your home office? It could be a great way to add some extra functionality and style. Overall, your blog post is a great source of inspiration for anyone looking to create a more inspiring home office. Thanks for sharing! Please note that this is just a suggestion, and you may need to modify it to fit your own personal style and the specific content of the blog post.

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