#ISTE2014 Day 3: Diving In

Today was a whirlwind of amazing experiences! Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Poster sessions – I especially enjoyed the one on creating a personal brand for students and starting a tech entrepreneurial club.
  2. Science and math playground.
  3. I popped into the ISTE Iron Chef and decided to join a group. We’re putting together our solution to the challenge and will be sharing on Tuesday!
  4. A vist to the exhibit hall which was an exercise in total overstimulation!
  5. I visited the ISTE Board Office Hours and shared my opinions on the topics they presented. I also tweeted by responses. Thanks to tweeting, I won a Starbucks gift card!
  6. Invent to Learn session with Gary Stager. I was really lucky to get a seat to this event as a half an hour before start time, the room was nearly full! It’s too bad there was not a larger space. If you wanted to attend but couldn’t, here are my notes (it’s not been proofread yet). I also picked up the Invent to Learn book and both Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez signed my copy. Exciting!
  7. Disruptive Collaboration with Angela Maiers. I have been aware of the #youmatter movement, but to hear it first hand was amazing. We hash tagged wit the sessions with #collabruption and learned how to find our own genius and the genius in our students. It was incredibly empowering.
  8. Finally, the science share-a-thon. I had a chance to have conversations in two small groups. One was about PBL, which is what I am all about. The other was about finding leadership roles in the ISTE Science and Technology Network. I am looking forward to diving in and finding a place to make a difference.

It was an amazing and overwhelming day. I started the day tired and dragging a little. I ended the day energized and inspired! I also met new friends and was able to network. This is something that is usually so far out of my comfort zone but so much easier to accomplish at ISTE. Tomorrow is the big day of our poster presentation on PBL, so tomorrow is sure to be filled with memories as well!

Categorized as #ISTE2014

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.

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