Money to go to space!

About a month ago when school was still in session, I turned away from the demo table at the front of my room, and when I turned back, this was laying on the table.

moneyspaceenvelope(This was during homeroom before the “official” start of the school day, by the way.) I noticed two of my girls who chat with me often were nearby grinning. So, I opened the envelope, and this is what I found inside:

spacemoneyletterI have to be honest; I almost cried when I saw this. Making connections with students is so important to me, and I feel like it is something I do pretty well. However, when you get something like this – that show’s students understand you, too –  it’s really special. We hadn’t talked about commercial space flight costs in class, but one of the students sending this researched it on her own. Plus, what a neat idea to help start my money to go to space fund.

Now, I need to think of a great way to keep this and incorporate it into a savings bank because I will get to space one day! How do you know when you’ve inspired your students or made personal connections with them?


Categorized as Students

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.


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