Using Edmodo as a back channel

Today is the second time I have used Edmodo to back channel conversations while watching a video in class. Both times I have done this, I have had outstanding results. Students are excited to share their information, and I can tell they are following along with the video. Additionally, student comments after the fact show they enjoy the experience and are engage.

So far, my format has been to pose questions to the class and have students reply to those questions. The first time we did the back channeling, I did not allow students to create their own new posts (or notes). This works really well and focuses students on what we are doing. However, today I did allow students to post a new note. This time, I asked them to relay their own question about the video. The questions and responses I saw were incredible. It’s so great to see such a positive community working together!

If you haven’t investigated Edmodo yet, please check it out. Students really enjoy it and it provides a safe environment for online interactions. It has many other incredible features as well.

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.


  1. Was forwarded this blog post from a friend — love this example of effective use of social media tools in the classroom:) I would love to learn more about how you used Edmodo in the class – specifically, how did your students post their comments? Are you in a 1-1 computer class, did they use their phones (and if so, how did you handle those who don’t have phones), or did you just have one computer open that they could go to to post comments?)

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by.

      Great question – I guess it would help if I shared that information! We are not a 1:1 school. However, we have 4 wireless laptop carts and 3 computer labs that can be reserved for use. I took my class to the computer lab this time, so each student had access to their own account. We watched the DVD through the overhead LCD projector.

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