The Eleven Meme

I was nominated by Marsha Ratzel to participate in this meme a couple of weeks ago. So, here it goes! 11 “Random” Facts about Me: My husband is from England and has an an amazing accent still, even though he’s been in the US for almost 15 years. All of his family still lives there. Also,… Continue reading The Eleven Meme

Categorized as About

Domains, Self-Hosting, and Content Management Systems

As part of the Teacher Challenge, I have received several inquiries about my blog, domain, hosting, student blogs, etc. I thought it would be a good idea to share all of this in a post in case others wondered about it as well. Domains The domain name is just the fancy description of the web… Continue reading Domains, Self-Hosting, and Content Management Systems

Ask the Blog: What’s Stretching Forward all about?

I have decided to take part in the Teacher Challenge supported by Edublogs in order to expand my blogging. It’s a 30 day challenge, and I am hoping it will encourage me to become a more active blogger. Today’s challenge is to share information about this blog. _________________________________________________________________ 1. When did Stretching Forward begin? Stretching… Continue reading Ask the Blog: What’s Stretching Forward all about?