Just Breathe #AprilBlogADay

IMG_6598I find that I am always rushing around here, there, everywhere. Grading papers, planning lessons, meeting with students, attending faculty meetings – it’s often a whole lot of go, go, go. I love keeping busy, and I love working with my students. All of these activities are important aspects of my career.

However, sometimes it is nice to just stop. To sit. To breathe. To be.

When the final bell rang at 2:10 today (well, it actually didn’t ring for some reason ), spring break officially began. When I got home, I felt the warmth of the spring sun on my face, and I knew I had to just sit on the porch and stop. Be still. Just breathe.

Sometimes, I feel guilty when I relax on the weekends and don’t get enough papers graded or enough lessons planned. However, taking time to rest ultimately rejuvenates me helping me to become a better teacher. The relentless go, go, going will not help my students. Taking time to enjoy the beauty of the world around me, to breathe, to be still, to stargaze will help me to refocus in order to be the best I can be for my students.

So although getting some work done is on the agenda for this spring break, so is time to rest, to create, to refocus, to sit in the sun and to stand under the stars and just breathe. Will you join me?

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.


  1. Janelle,
    So very true! No matter how productive I am, I reach a point where, as you describe taking time “to rest, to create, to refocus”, just has to happen. Otherwise, continued busyness makes me less, instead of more, productive.

    I am taking the #AprilBlogADay Challenge, perhaps because I was on spring break when I saw it go by in my Twitter feed. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find ways to rest as I write a short post each day.

    Have a blessed and restful break,

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