What does Mrs. Wilson think about learning?

photo (7)I asked my students to answer this question on a pink Post-it note (it was Valentine’s Day after all) after our test yesterday. Students then stuck them to the white board.

The one on the left is one of my favorites because it says so much about how we learn science. We need data, so we find the best ways to collect it. I really don’t see why we need senseless homework. I rarely give homework, but I do love projects. And of course, we all know how much I love learning about space!

It is neat to see that my students know that I love learning, I think it’s important, and I want to make it fun and exciting. I really enjoy asking my students a question like this after a test. It’s a fun way to debrief and to see if we understand each other.

I decided to type up all of the responses to a Padlet site (previously Wallwisher). It’s been a while since I’ve used the site, and it looks better than ever. Next time I ask a question like this, I will have students type it straight into the Padlet wall. The best thing is it can be embedded into a site like I’ve done below.

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By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.

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