What is the first day of school like in your classroom?

The clock is running down quickly towards the beginning of the school year, so I am already thinking about the first day – and week – of school. On the first day of school last year, my students found their seats (assigned), filled out a graphic organizer with illustrations explaining what they thought a spaceship… Continue reading What is the first day of school like in your classroom?

The dream is alive

As an educator, I think I need to inspire my students – to love science, to reach goals, to dream big. Sometimes though, our roles are reversed, and the students are the ones inspiring me. I love space. I want to be an astronaut (always have). At the beginning of the school year last August,… Continue reading The dream is alive

Dear Student(s),

There are a lot of things I assume you know about about us and how I feel about our class. Perhaps, though, you don’t know these things for sure. Maybe I don’t tell you enough. I want you to make sure you know these things. I really do care about each and every one of… Continue reading Dear Student(s),

Categorized as Students

Practicing Quiet

Thursday was a bluster of noise and activity as students learned about the planets exchanging partners every few minutes to share information on their “home” planet. My classroom is often like this. Lots of movement. Lots of noise. Lots of sharing. Lots of laughing. But I realized that perhaps we don’t spend enough time in… Continue reading Practicing Quiet

Enjoying the Moments

33. 32. 31. 30. 29 days left. It seems like all the other teachers around me are counting down the days until the end of the school year, anxiously awaiting the moment the last bell rings. But I’m wishing the days would slow down. I’m hoping I can ignore the reminders of the small amount… Continue reading Enjoying the Moments