Enjoying the Moments





29 days left.

It seems like all the other teachers around me are counting down the days until the end of the school year, anxiously awaiting the moment the last bell rings.

But I’m wishing the days would slow down.

I’m hoping I can ignore the reminders of the small amount of time left.

I have such an amazing group of students this year. They are creative. They thrive on a challenge. They can think critically. They are clever and funny.

We have great times in class. We design. We create. We collaborate. We laugh.

We laugh A LOT.

I feel like I have so much more to share with them. Have they found joy in science? Do they look up at the stars with wonder? Will they look at the world around them and ask questions? What will they take with them through life from our class?

They challenge me to be a better teacher because they thrive on complex assignments. I’ve been able to get super creative with the lessons we’ve done this year because they need the challenge. The bigger the challenge, the more impressive the results. I look forward to hearing the questions they ask and the connections they make. I am looking forward to seeing how creative they get with our remaining projects.

I’ve decided that I don’t have time to count down the days; I’m too busy enjoying the moments.

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.


  1. Janelle – I LOVED this post. It holds true for many of us that have that one class or group of students with whom we have that magical learning connection and we don’t want to severe the link just yet. 😀

    1. Thanks, Catherine! I know that my perspective would be different if I had a challenging year. But as you said, I have had those amazing kids with magical connections to learning. Thanks for understanding!

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