Science is too cool to be late!

In a meeting today, the issue of tardiness was discussed. It sounded like several sixth grade teachers were having issues with students being late. Later in the afternoon, it dawned on me. I haven’t had a single issue with late students. In fact, usually kids are eagerly waiting at the door to come into the classroom.

Not only that, but I often have to shoo students out of the room at the end of class. So, why am I not having issues with tardiness when other teachers are? What’s the big difference?

It’s science!

My students have already worked out that I won’t tell them things. We don’t do worksheets. I give them challenges to work out on their own. I answer questions with questions. They have to think. They are active participants in the learning process.

We just finished a rock cycle lab today, and students wrote out and decided on the procedure themselves. They could choose their model material. The only requirement was that they model the steps of the rock cycle. They loved it! Before the lab, I didn’t tell them what the rock cycle was. They figured it out for themselves. They were active. I was just a guide. And to be honest, most of the time they didn’t even need me.

And I think that’s the reason they are on time and why they don’t want to leave. It’s science. It’s fun. It’s doing! I love science!

By Janelle

Space geek, science nerd extraordinaire. That's me! Want to know more, visit the About page.

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